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Before & After School Program
The Sumner Before & After School Program is an in-house program for K1 thru 6th graders (including our 4-year old students!). The program is coordinated by Mr. Eric Shelton and a number of Sumner staff participate in the program. Please see our brochure below for additional information.
The Before School Program operates from 7:00 am until the start of the school day and the After School Program operates from the end of the school day until 5:45 pm. Families can sign-up for as many days per week as are needed. The current fee structure for the 2023-24 school year (full and reduced price options based on need) is as follows:
Both (Before and After School)
Before School Only
Afterschool Only
5 Days-Weekly $120 ● Reduced $60
4 Days-Weekly $110 ● Reduced $55
3 Days-Weekly $100 ● Reduced $50
2 Days-Weekly $70 ● Reduced $35
5 Days-Weekly $50 ● Reduced $30
4 Days-Weekly $45 ● Reduced $28
3 Days-Weekly $40 ● Reduced $25
2 Days-Weekly $30 ● Reduced $20
5 Days-Weekly $70 ● Reduced $50
4 Days-Weekly $60 ● Reduced $40
3 Days-Weekly $50 ● Reduced $35
2 Days-Weekly $40 ● Reduced $30
The Sumner Before and After School Program is committed to accepting families regardless of what they can pay. If the current rates present a hardship for your family, please reach out to the Program director, Mr. Eric Shelton, to discuss options.
To register for the before and/or after school program, fill out the form here.
Please contact our Program Director, Mr. Shelton, with any questions.