Before & After School Program

  • The Sumner Before & After School Program is an in-house program for K1 thru 6th graders (including our 4-year old students!). The program is coordinated by Mr. Eric Shelton and a number of Sumner staff participate in the program. Please see our brochure below for additional information.

    The Before School Program operates from 7:00 am until the start of the school day and the After School Program operates from the end of the school day until 5:45 pm. Families can sign-up for as many days per week as are needed. The current fee structure for the 2023-24 school year (full and reduced price options based on need) is as follows:

     Both (Before and After School)

     Before School Only

     Afterschool Only

     5 Days-Weekly $120  Reduced $60

     4 Days-Weekly $110  Reduced $55

     3 Days-Weekly $100  Reduced $50

     2 Days-Weekly $70  Reduced $35

     5 Days-Weekly $50  Reduced $30

     4 Days-Weekly $45  Reduced $28

     3 Days-Weekly $40  Reduced $25

     2 Days-Weekly $30  Reduced $20

     5 Days-Weekly $70  Reduced $50

     4 Days-Weekly $60  Reduced $40

     3 Days-Weekly $50  Reduced $35

     2 Days-Weekly $40  Reduced $30

    The Sumner Before and After School Program is committed to accepting families regardless of what they can pay. If the current rates present a hardship for your family, please reach out to the Program director, Mr. Eric Shelton, to discuss options.

    To register for the before and/or after school program, fill out the form here.

    Please contact our Program Director, Mr. Shelton, with any questions.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.