Development and Partnerships
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Boston Public Schools (BPS) recognizes the importance of having shared language and clearly articulated definitions for the concepts readily used within the district. Shared definitions are important because they provide coherence and clarity on concepts that may be interpreted differently among a diverse array of stakeholders. BPS has used a data-driven approach, including extensive literature reviews, interviews, and surveys to develop a definitional framework of school partner, partnership, and quality standards. This definitional framework is important because it anchors BPS’s vision and goals, allowing BPS to provide differentiated support services to schools, partners, students, and families in brokering and sustaining successful partnerships.
School-Community Partner: an organization, group or coalition that intentionally collaborates with the Boston Public Schools to provide ongoing, direct services to BPS students, staff, families, and/or other members of the school community.
This broad definition encompasses a variety of groups, including community-based organizations, colleges and universities, businesses, hospitals, government agencies, cultural institutions, and faith-based organizations.
School-Community Partner Program: an ongoing, direct service provided by a BPS School-Community Partner to BPS students, school staff, families, and other members of the school community.
School-Community Partnership: an intentional collaboration between the Boston Public Schools and a School-Community Partner, providing learning opportunities that positively impact BPS student, family, and school outcomes.Partner Type
School-Community Partner
An organization, group, or coalition that intentionally collaborates with the Boston Public Schools to provide ongoing, direct services to BPS students, staff, families, and/or other members of the school community.
Opportunity Portfolio Partner
A School-Community Partner that has been vetted and selected as a high-quality partner aligned to district priorities.
Funded Partner
A School-Community Partnership Partner that has been selected to receive BPS funding by at least one Boston Public school (including but not limited to Partnership Fund dollars).
Potential School-Community Partner
An organization that would like to become a School-Community Partner.