For Schools

  • Welcome, Boston Saves schools! Every day, you provide students with the knowledge and care they need for a successful future. Boston Saves is here to support the financial piece of that goal. Whether your students plan to go to college or take advantage of career training, we want to be sure they have the savings they need to pursue their dreams!

    The short videos below will help you learn more about Boston Saves and learn how you can support the program at your school. The implementation steps are at the bottom of the page. 

    Why Boston Saves?

    How Boston Saves Works

    Boston Saves & Your School 



    Designate your school’s Boston Saves School Coordinator.
    Please fill out the School Coordinator form by November 1.
    Nominate Family Champion(s).
    Please fill out the Family Champion nomination form by November 1.
    Share Boston Saves information with your families.
    Let families know that Boston Saves is available to them. Use our messaging toolkit to reach families by newsletter, social media, direct message, or other outlets. Or share Boston Saves content on Facebook, on Twitter, or on Instagram.
    Promote a culture of college and career excitement.

    Invite a Boston Saves partner to provide free educational or financial programming. You can find the menu of partner offerings here.