- Eval Home
- Interactive Rubric Resources
- Standard I
- I-A-1: Subject Matter Knowledge
- I-A-2: Child and Adolescent Development
- I-A-3: Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design
- I-A-4: Well-Structured Lessons
- I-B-1: Variety of Assessment Methods
- I-B-2: Adjustments to Practice
- I-C-1: Analysis and Conclusions
- I-C-2: Sharing Conclusions With Colleagues
- I-C-3: Sharing Conclusions With Students
- Standard II
- II-A-1: Quality of Effort and Work
- II-A-2: Student Engagement
- II-A-3: Meeting Diverse Needs
- II-B-1: Safe Learning Environment
- II-B-2: Collaborative Learning Environment
- II-B-3: Student Motivation
- II-C-1: Respects Differences
- II-C-2: Maintains Respectful Environment
- II-D-1: Clear Expectations
- II-D-2: High Expectations
- II-D-3: Access to Knowledge
- Standard III
- Standard IV
Reflective & Collaborative ElementsThese elements put a greater emphasis on teacher competencies that are harder to master because of the intra and interpersonal nature of work. Thus, doing well in these aspects of the teaching craft require less technical/behavioral changes to practice and more substantive and adaptive changes to mindset and belief over time.
Element What it Means II-A-3 - Meeting Diverse Needs Vary Instruction to Engage a Range of Learning Styles in StudentsEmphasize Student-to-Student LearningBuild & Maintain Family ConnectionsIII-B-2 - Curriculum Support Partner with Parents/Guardians to extend learning into the home IV-A-1 - Reflective Practice Demonstrate Personal Insight into Practice Seek Opportunities to Improve Practice