21st-Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Out-of-School-Time Program

  • Massachusetts Expanded Learning Time (MA ELT) Program
    The federally-funded 21st-CCLC grant supports additional learning time through out-of-school-time (OST) programming and an expanded day, Expanded Learning Time (ELT).
    Both the 21st-CCLC and the state-funded MA ELT grants are designed to
    • help close proficiency and opportunity gaps
    • increase student engagement
    • support social and emotional learning
    • promote college and career readiness and success 

    These programs provide students with engaging instruction, project-based or service learning, and academic enrichment through high-quality, out-of-school time activities. These programs also engage with various community partners to enhance student learning and support their social, emotional, and physical development.  

    Learn more about 21st-Century programs here

21st-CCLC Out-of-School-Time Sites

  • Current 21st-CCLC Out-of-School-Time Sites

    In the 2020-21 school year, Boston Public Schools was awarded continuation funding for OST programming at five (5) sites:

    • Boston International and Newcomers Academy (BINcA)
    • Edison
    • Frederick
    • Gardner Pilot K-8
    • Hennigan K-8

    Current Expanded-Learning-Time Sites

    In the 2020-21 school year, three (3) sites received continuation funding for OST programming:

    21st-CCLC ELT:

    • Eliot Innovation

    MA ELT:

    • Boston Arts Academy
    • Young Achievers



    Current Grant Applications: Exemplary Grant

    In the spring of 2021, BINcA, Edison, and Gardner applied to renew funding for a subsequent three-year cycle as an Exemplary Site.  This is a competitive process and funding is not guaranteed. If grants are approved, the following awards will be received beginning September 2021. These 3 schools represent 57% of the total OST funds awarded:

    • Gardner Pilot K-8: $50,000
    • BINcA: $175,000
    • Edison: $175,000

    The timeline for this funding is as follows:

    • May 2021: Release of RFP
    • June 2021: Application submission deadline
    • Late July 2021: Award notification
    • September 2021: Grant start

    Please see this link for the state’s 21st-CCLC website.

    If you have comments or inquiries regarding this application, please contact Kenyia Elisa-McLaren, Grant Manager, kelisamclaren@bostonpublicschools.org.

    New Grant Opportunity: 

    In the spring of 2021, Boston Public Schools' Expanded Learning Opportunities Program applied for the 21st-CCLC Supporting Additional Learning Time Grant for New Sites.  Participating schools will be selected based on an equitable process seeking to balance school needs and readiness. 

    Each site could be awarded $50,000 (minimum) to $200,000 per year for five years of before/after school and summer programming using either an OST or an ELT Model.  The grant request should support the enhancement or addition of engaging academic enrichment and intervention.

    The timeline for this funding is as follows:

    • March 10, 2021: Release of RFP
    • April 16, 2021: Application submission deadline
    • Fall 2021: Award notification
    • Fall 2021: Grant start

    Please see this link for the full RFP.

    If you have comments or inquiries regarding this application, please contact Kenyia Elisa-McLaren, Grant Manager at kelisamclaren@bostonpublicschools.org