Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I do not have the documents required for BPS Registration?

  • If I complete registration, is a seat in a BPS pre-kindergarten (K0-K1) or kindergarten (K2) program guaranteed?

  • My child already completed Kindergarten outside of BPS but will not be six years old by September 1. May I apply for a Grade 1 assignment?

  • How many schools should I rank on my application for assignment? Can I make additional school choices after assignment?

  • How are assignments made? Are they on a first-come, first-served basis? Should I come on the first day of the first registration period?

  • I just moved to Boston with my school-age children. What if I need a school assignment right now?

  • We moved to another address in Boston after registering. What should we do?

  • My child was not assigned a school or was not assigned a school of my choice. Why did this happen?

  • How do I find information on my child's wait list(s)? When are wait list(s) updated and how is a student assigned from a wait list?

  • My child is completing the highest grade at his/her current school. How do I choose the next BPS school?