Wellness Champion Program

  • The Wellness Champion Program aims to promote the implementation of the District Wellness Policy by building the capacity of schools to sustain active Wellness Councils and to implement wellness initiatives in schools. School-based staff will receive professional development in their chosen domain, one-on-one technical assistance, and the opportunity to build a peer network of support.

    A Wellness Champion is an active member of a school community with a commitment to creating a healthier school environment. Each school is eligible to have two Wellness Champions in separate domains. See the flyer for details about the SY22-23 Wellness Champion Program


    • Social Emotional Learning
    • In-School Physical Activity Promotion
    • Safe & Supportive Schools for LGBTQ+ Students
    • Staff Wellness
    • Empowering Teens Through Health (ETTH; Pre-selected High Schools only) 

    → What Does A Wellness Champion Do?

    A Wellness Champion serves as a liaison linking the Boston Public School’s Health & Wellness Department and the members of their school’s community and leads efforts to promote, communicate, and implement the required initiatives for the chosen Wellness Champion domain. 

    **Check here for examples of Champion projects in SY21-22**

    General Wellness Champion Responsibilities:

    • Attend Wellness Champion professional development training sessions (a minimum of 4 hours)
    • Serve as an active member of their school’s Wellness Council
    • Complete all evaluation requirements, such as implementation reports and program surveys.

    There will be additional responsibilities based on the chosen domain of work. Wellness Champions must attend the orientation session to learn about the full list of requirements.

    → What Resources Will A Wellness Champion Receive?

    Wellness Champions will receive professional development, technical assistance, and other resources that will support their efforts to fulfill their Wellness Champion role in their school community. They will build a peer network to support wellness work. A Wellness Champion will receive a maximum amount of $550 stipend for their efforts. Please be aware that to receive the full stipend all expectations must be met.

    → How Do You Apply to Be A Wellness Champion?

    Potential Wellness Champions must attend a mandatory Orientation Session for more details on the various domains of work. More information will be coming soon.

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