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- Interactive Rubric Resources
- Standard I
- I-A-1: Subject Matter Knowledge
- I-A-2: Child and Adolescent Development
- I-A-3: Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design
- I-A-4: Well-Structured Lessons
- I-B-1: Variety of Assessment Methods
- I-B-2: Adjustments to Practice
- I-C-1: Analysis and Conclusions
- I-C-2: Sharing Conclusions With Colleagues
- I-C-3: Sharing Conclusions With Students
- Standard II
- II-A-1: Quality of Effort and Work
- II-A-2: Student Engagement
- II-A-3: Meeting Diverse Needs
- II-B-1: Safe Learning Environment
- II-B-2: Collaborative Learning Environment
- II-B-3: Student Motivation
- II-C-1: Respects Differences
- II-C-2: Maintains Respectful Environment
- II-D-1: Clear Expectations
- II-D-2: High Expectations
- II-D-3: Access to Knowledge
- Standard III
- Standard IV
IV-F-2: Reliability and ResponsibilityUnsatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementProficientExemplary
Frequently misses or is late to assignments, makes errors in records, and/or misses paperwork deadlines; frequently late or absent. Occasionally misses or is late to assignments, completes work late, and/or makes errors in records. Consistently fulfills professional responsibilities; is consistently punctual and reliable with paperwork, duties, and assignments; and is rarely late or absent from school. Consistently fulfills all professional responsibilities to high standards. Is able to model this element. Coming SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonResource Name Description Resource Type new! 15 Smart Ways to Prevent Teacher Burnout That Really Work (We Are Teachers) These are the things that veteran teachers say keep them going. Article Signs of professionalism in teachers Discusses the importance of professionalism for teachers and tips to how to be professional. Short Article How to be a professional teacher Illustrated guide with 26 steps to being a professional teacher. Guide Do you have a resource that you want to recommend for this element? Email us at eval@bostonpublicschools.org with the subject line "Interactive Rubric Resource Recommendation" in the email