• III-C-1: Two-Way Communication
    Needs Improvement
    Rarely communicates with families except through report cards; rarely solicits or responds promptly and carefully to communications from families. Relies primarily on newsletters and other one-way media and usually responds promptly to communications from families. Regularly uses two-way communication with families about student performance and learning and responds promptly and carefully to communications from families. Regularly uses a two-way system that supports frequent, proactive, and personalized communication with families about student performance and learning. Is able to model this element.
    Coming Soon
    What instructional practices should be observed? What student impacts should be expected?
    For TEACHERS this may look like.
    1. Teacher does not provide families with a clear protocol for communication, nor do they have a schedule for communicating with families.

    1. Teacher maintains regular, one-way communication with all families but communications rarely invite input from families or lead to concrete next steps.

    1. Teacher invites dialogue with families about student behavior, performance, and growth that solicits family knowledge about their children and leads to concrete next steps for both the teacher and family.

    1. Teacher consistently engages in dialogue with families to exchange relevant information about students and positively impact student behavior, performance, and growth.

    1. Teacher has no documentation of communication with students' families.

    1. Teacher documentation of communication with students' families shows that communication is not proactive, or is focused only on a specific subset of families.

    1. Teacher documentation of communication with students' families provides evidence that communication is proactive, responsive and equitable.

    1. Teacher documentation of communication with students' families provides evidence that communication is proactive, responsive, equitable, and focused on specific student outcomes.

    1. Teacher only uses a only a single method of communication with families.

    1. Teacher uses a limited range of communication methods and does not adapt communication strategies to meet the needs of individual families.

    1. Teacher uses a wide range of communication methods that serve the needs of families, and adapts communication strategies for individual families, such as in-person communication, personal phone calls, email, and text message.

    1. Teacher uses a wide range of communication methods that serve the needs of families, and adapts communication strategies for individual families, such as in-person communication, personal phone calls, email, and text message.

    1. Teacher does not respond to families' contact efforts.

    1. Teacher does not consistently respond to families' contact efforts in a timely manner.

    1. Teacher regularly responds to families within 24 hours.

    1. Teacher regularly responds to families within 24 hours.

    As a result, the IMPACT on STUDENTS may be...
    1. Families receive limited information on their children's learning.

    1. Families receive regular and clear information on classroom schedules, procedures, and events, but may not be engaged in ongoing dialogue about the child's learning and socio-emotional growth.

    1. Families engage in constructive and on-going dialogue with the teacher about their child's learning and socio-emotional growth.

    1. Families engage in constructive, individualized, and on-going dialogue with the teacher about their child's learning and socio-emotional growth.

    1. Families do not have a means of reaching the teacher other than calling the front office of the school.

    1. Families can reach the teacher with questions, problems, or concerns.

    1. Families can quickly reach the teacher with questions, problems, or concerns.

    1. Families have multiple means to quickly connect with the teacher with questions, problems, or concerns.

    Name Description Type
    The Importance of Two Way Communication Video from Flamboyan Foundation on the importance of two-way communication (10 minutes) Video
    "Relationship Building and Ongoing Communications" Teacher Interview - teacher discusses the impact of ongoing communications Video
    Coming Soon
    Resource Name Description Type
    new! Family Engagement Tip Sheet (DESE) Family engagement is an intentional, authentic, respectful, and equal partnership between educators and families with the ultimate goal of positive results for children and youth. PDF
    new! Exploring and Developing Communication Strategies with Parents Trust, two-way communication, and technology are the three keys to effective communication strategies with parents. PDF
    Quick Ideas to Encourage Two-Way Communication One-pager sharing strategies for two-way communication, including many suggestions for linking learning at school to learning at home Example/Template
    Parent-Teacher Conferences: Two-Way Communication Before, During, and After Shares strategies and tips for two-way communication before, during, and after parent-teacher conferences (can be applied to any face-to-face meeting) Example
    Home-School Communication Guide 15 page guide, featuring tools and strategies to improve home-school communication. Produced by Edutopia. Informational text
    Parent Request.pdf A survey to be sent out to families, allowing teachers to discover parent’s skills and talents to find ways to invite family participation and leadership in the classroom. Example/Template
    A Model for One-Way and Two Way Communcation One-page guide for differentiating between one way and two way strategies and for identifying strategies you already use and plan to use Example/Guide
    First Listen, Then Ask: How to get your students to help you teach them better Guides teachers though how to have effective dialogues with students and provides several surveys to promote those dialogues. Published by What Kids Can Do (www.whatkidscando.org); based on the book Fires in The Bathroom. Example/Guide
    Parent Questionnaires
    -Parent ABCs About Child
    -Questionnaires and Surveys
    Surveys for gathering information from families about their knowledge and insight on their children. Example/Template