School Site Council
What is the Mendell School Site Council?
The School Site Council is the decision making body of the school around issues related to budget, hiring and school policy. They also review the School Improvement Plan and conduct a school-partnership quality review annually. The School Site Council meets once a month.
Who represents parents on the School Site Council?
In June of each school year, the parent body elects School Site Council parent representatives and an alternate to serve on the School Site Council for the following school year, September-June. The school also elects three faculty, along with the principal. Together, the faculty and parents make-up the School Site Council.
What does the School Site Council do?
Share important updates across the Mendell community- each meeting the principal, faculty, parents and community partners share important updates on events, programs and initiatives. This is also a space to air concerns or opportunities for growth.
Review the Whole School Improvement Plan – the School Site Council reviews the School Improvement Plan developed by the faculty in the fall of each school year and supports communication about the plan’s priorities with the larger parent community.
Oversee the school budget process – the School Site Council oversees the development of the school budget through a Budget Subcommittee, including recommendations on staffing, programmatic changes and fundraising priorities.
Hire staff- the School Site Council oversee the hiring process of Mendell faculty through a Personnel Committee that includes the principal, teacher and parent representatives.
Develop and approve school policy changes- the School Site Council makes recommendations on changes to school policy and develops strategies to support their successful implementation.
Conduct a quality review of school partnerships- the School Site Council reviews existing partnerships annually to ensure they align with school improvement priorities and directly support the Mendell’s vision and mission.How are School Site Council discussions and decisions shared with the Mendell School Community?
School Site Council meeting agendas are posted in advance of meetings and minutes are posted following meetings on the Communication Hub. Additionally, SSC representatives regularly attend Family Council meetings to share relevant updates with the community and solicit feedback.
Upcoming Events
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Contact Us
Qi Chen
164 School Street
Roxbury, MA 02119
United StatesPhone: 617-635-8234
Fax: 617-635-82386th grade Site
3134 Washington St
Roxbury, MA 02119