The Boston Public Health Commission Health Resource Center (HRC) is a collaboration between the Boston Public Health Commission and Boston Public Schools to bring comprehensive health education to High School students. Health Educators provide classroom education using evidence based curriculum on many topics including healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and prevention of STIs and unplanned pregnancies. Additional areas of education include preventing and coping with stress and/or anger, and prevention of high risk behaviors including alcohol and drug use.
In addition to classroom education, Health Educators are available during their “office time” to provide confidential one-on-one education and offer referrals to community resources and services as needed by students and families to address their needs.
At C.A.S.H., we are fortunate enough that our HRC is testing for STIs in a safe, confidential way. Students are administered the tests at the school and they are sent directly to a lab. The results will come back in approximately a week. Students can also be treated on-site for positive chlamydia screenings.
For more information, see Heather. Check out our video below.