The Student Government at C.A.S.H. is in it's rebuilding phase. We have implemented expectations for young SGA Working people to be able to rise up, take the lead,  advocate for their fellow peers and create a positive school climate. For each grade level there will be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer elected in a school-based, unbiased format that allows students to campaign and request the votes of their peers. The Student Government Association will be in charge of running Town Hall meetings for their respective grade levels, as well as planning community service projects, school-wide activities and participate in leadership development as a team.
    SGA In addition to representing your grade level in-house, there are also other opportunities for students to get involved in the leadership of our school. We have space for a young person to be our Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC) representative.
    BSAC is a citywide body of elected student leaders representing most BPS high schools. BSAC works to identify and address pertinent student issues, thereby putting students at the center of the decisions that affect them the most. BSAC students have led organizing efforts, forged relationships with district and city-leaders, impacted policy change, and transformed school culture across the board.

    BSAC has played a key role in advising the School Committee and the Superintendent on district policy, working with the Headmasters on student climate issues, and informing students of their rights and responsibilities under district rules.  Over the last 10 years BSAC has worked on issues and informed policy changes such as: Punctuality Policy, Homework Policy, Cell Phone Policy, Teacher Evaluation & Hiring, Student Government, School Safety, BPS Budget and School Quality.