• I-A-3: Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design
    Needs Improvement
    Plans individual lessons rather than units of instruction, or designs units of instruction that are not aligned with state standards/ local curricula, lack measurable outcomes, and/or include tasks that mostly rely on lower level thinking skills.. Designs units of instruction that address some knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula, but some student outcomes are poorly defined and/or tasks rarely require higher-order thinking skills. Designs units of instruction with measurable outcomes and challenging tasks requiring higher-order thinking skills that enable students to learn the knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula. Designs integrated units of instruction with measurable, accessible outcomes and challenging tasks requiring higher-order thinking skills that enable students to learn and apply the knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula. Is able to model this element.
    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Resource Name Description Resource Type
    new! Equitable Literacy Self Reflection Describes common visions of what the components of equitable literacy could look like in classrooms and provides a structure for educator self-reflection. Google Doc
    new! Increasing Rigor with Webbs Depth of Knowledge Levels
    Categorizing tasks according to the complexity of thought they require is one way for teachers to create a rich learning environment. Article
    new! Bloom's Taxonomy and Webb's Depth of Knowledge Applies these principles to targeted learning and learning activity outcomes. Video
    new! Productive Struggle in the Classroom Students grappling with challenging problems can actually lead to more durable learning. Video
    new! Grant Wiggins: Understanding by Design (part 1) Framework for improving student achievement that helps teachers clarify learning goals, devise assessments that reveal student understanding, and craft effective learning activities.  Video
    new! Grant Wiggins: Understanding by Design (part 2) Framework for improving student achievement that helps teachers clarify learning goals, devise assessments that reveal student understanding, and craft effective learning activities.  Video
    new! Marzano’s New Taxonomy as a framework for investigating student affect Defines three domains or systems required to complete a given task.  Research Journal
    How to Develop a Standards-Based Unit This manual provided by the Kentucky Department of Education offers edcutors templates and tools for creating standards-based curricular units Manual
     Standards-Based Planning or Backwards Design This manual uses the principles of backwards design and offers tools to help educators develop standards-based units. Manual
    Do you have a resource that you want to recommend for this element? Email us at eval@bostonpublicschools.org with the subject line "Interactive Rubric Resource Recommendation" in the email