• I-A-2: Child and Adolescent Development
    Needs Improvement
    Demonstrates little or no knowledge of developmental levels of students this age or differences in how students learn. Typically develops one learning experience for all students that does not enable most students to meet the intended outcomes. Demonstrates knowledge of developmental levels of students this age but does not identify developmental levels and ways of learning among the students in the class and/or develops learning experiences that enable some, but not all, students to move toward meeting intended outcomes. Demonstrates knowledge of the developmental levels of students in the classroom and the different ways these students learn by providing differentiated learning experiences that enable all students to progress towardmeeting intended outcomes. Demonstrates expert knowledge of the developmental levels of the teacher’s own students and students in this grade or subject more generally and uses this knowledge to differentiate and expand learning experiences that enable all students to make significant progress toward meeting stated outcomes. Is able to model this element.
    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Resource Name Description Resource Type
    new! Remaking Middle School Resource Bank Provides middle level educators with a variety of resources that are conveniently located in the same place that promote stronger connections with students, both academically and personally. Research Publication
    new! Developmentally Appropripriate Practice Principles (NAEYC) NAEYC’s guidelines and recommendations for developmentally appropriate practice are based on the following nine principles and their implications for early childhood education professional practice. Link
    The Stages of Adolescent Development This simple chart provides an over view of adolescent development divided by age range and area of type of development (i.e., physical, cognitive, social-emotional). Chart
    Jean Piaget: Cognitive Development in the Classroom This accessible blog post provides an overview of stages of development in young children with discussion of classroom application. Blog Post
    Ages and Stages This overview of child development — infancy through adolescence — is provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Website
    Do you have a resource that you want to recommend for this element? Email us at eval@bostonpublicschools.org with the subject line "Interactive Rubric Resource Recommendation" in the email