• GPA’s strategic partnerships provide over 70 programs to students and their families.  The YMCA is GPA’s lead partner agency for the GPA community hub school model. The two entities combine their collective expertise and organizational missions to offer community services and innovative programs through partnerships. The  GPA/YMCA After School and Summer Programs work with many partners to achieve the purpose of the afterschool program:
    To deliver programming, in partnership with the community, that develops social and  emotional connections through relationships and empowers students to be contributors to their learning, to GPA and the greater community. 
    In addition to the YMCA, Harvard University has been a key partner in the sustainability and robustness of the GPA community hub school model through offering a direct connection to Harvard Public Schools Partnerships Team. The PSP team works with the GPA to identify responsive, innovative, and meaningful opportunities to connect Harvard faculty, staff, researchers, students, and educational initiatives to youth, families, and teachers. In addition, PSP develops and delivers college and career awareness programs, academic and cultural enrichment for youth, meaningful family engagement initiatives, events, and opportunities at the Harvard Ed Portal and directly within the GPA.


    Partner Program
    Achievement Program
    Advanced math support with Tony - School Day
    Allston-Brighton PAUSES : Prevention Awareness Understanding
    Substances with Education and Support
    In school partner
    Ann Cooking class - Friday Arts Enrichment
    BC PULSE Program
    Boston Ballet
    Boston Children's Choir - Friday Enrichment
    Boston City Blessing Church Reading Support - Early Childhood phonics support
    Boston College - Music Lessons
    Boston Scores - Soccer Program
    Boston String Academy- Jr. Ensemble
    BPiE - (Motivate): class support: teachers apply
    (Accelerate): 1:1 support: teachers apply
    (ILS): online support: families apply
    14 student matches
    BU Anatomy Acadmy Program
    BU LEGO Robotics Program
    DJ Club
    Drug Enforcement - Administration (DEA) Dance Program
    Girls on The Run
    Green City Growers
    Haravrd Ed Portal
    Harvard Business school - Tutoring & Mentoring program
    Harvard Pen Pals
    Kithara Project - Guitar lesson
    Latin Dance Club
    LIT Conversations
    LST (6th-8th)
    Robotics (Latino STEM Alliance)
    Rollerbladding Club
    SPARK science
    Strong Women Strong Girls
    The Urban Garden initiative
    Theater/ Musical Program